EpiTech can breathe new life into your older MBE electronics rack and reactor.
Ryan spent the early two decades of his career growing on and maintaining various iterations of Gen II MBE reactors. While the newer machines have brought some welcome improvements (upward looking sources and straightforward wafer transfer to name a few), the older machines offer great value, predictable behaviors, and known failure modes.
Together with modern, Ethernet based, control software, EpiTech electronics can provide an MBE owner a machine that is far better than when it was first built.
EpiTech can handle it all:
Chamber Refurbishment
electronics modernization
EpiTech can provide nearly all of the elements of a modern MBE electronics rack
New circuit breakers
New Ethernet network switches
New serial patch panels
SmartPower supplies available
SmartValve controllers available
SmartSubstrate manipulator controller available
SmartTSP controller available
SmartHeated viewport power supplies available
White P temperature controller available
Multizone bake controller available
(Optional) New electronics rack
(Optional) New wiring
We can also suggest suppliers for elemental sources and other instrumentation
For additional information, contact us directly.
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Complete the form or contact us directly to discuss how EpiTech can help you modernize your older MBE reactor.